Pebble Beach Stack
Pebble Beach Stack
- Stone Type: Diamond Crystalline
- Stone Size: 1.5mm each
- Total Gem Weight: 0.50ctw
- Ring Width: 2mm Each Ring
- Metal Type: Sterling Silver 925
- Metal Finish: 18K Yellow Gold and Platinum
- Style ID: S14
Our standard shipping is USPS First Class. Please note that we ship all orders from our Boca Raton, FL warehouse Monday through Friday. All orders are usually shipped from our warehouse within 1-2 business days (M-F) of the purchase date. If an order is placed after 1PM Eastern Time on Friday, it will be shipped the following week.
Products ordered during this promotion may ship in one or more orders. All in-stock products will ship according to our standard shipping policy. However, items that may be out-of-stock or on back order will ship separately, which may be up to 4-6 weeks from the date of order.
Shop with Confidence
Anna’s high-quality gems are derived through an ethical, violence-free, and ecologically responsible process. This ensures that the gems are truly beautiful from the inside out.